Monday, May 30, 2016

Boston Scientific

In March 2013, I finally began to realize that there was something very wrong with this job market and that getting a job in my field might have to take a back seat to just getting A JOB anywhere, anyplace, doing anything. This is when I began applying for miserable menial low-paying clerical and retail jobs that paid the same amount or less than what I earned back in 1992 as a medical secretary. I applied for a customer service representative in this place, once in March and again in April. Here’s the screenshot of their webpage where they try to make applicants like myself feel so welcomed and tell you this is not just another low-wage shit job (even though it is).

Not only did I not “qualify” for an interview (hey, I’ve only been working since 1986, what good could I possibly be to any company?) but they don’t even respect candidates enough to send a rejection email. Thanks, Boston Scientific, for being just as decrepit as every other company in Stinkassachusetts.

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