This company is truly disgusting. Note how they demand to know what year you graduated:
I guess this is how I got placed on their hiring "blacklist" for being too old (based on their website full of images of pretty young girls, it’s clear that “old” means over 30).
In July 2015 I saw this job appear (no, I didn't bother applying, I've had enough rejection from this company), and as of today (May 2016) it continues to appear on their website:
FIFTY TO SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT TRAVEL???? Who in the world is going to
be able to commit to that? You know what, I could commit to that, as I am
unmarried and have no kids (and because of my advanced old age will likely
never have kids) but they won’t hire an “old fart” like myself. Seriously, take a look at this and count how many people here look like they could possibly be over 40:
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