Monday, May 30, 2016


Cramer is a fine example of why you are wasting your time trying to develop your professional career in the state of Stinkassachusetts. That is, you will get NOWHERE with “networking.” Nobody in this state wants to be your friend OR associate. Proving you’re reliable and talented gets you NOWHERE long-term. I was placed here by PSG way back in 2003 as a presentation designer (my first return to design work following a very bad unemployment spell during the dot-com recession and subsequent invasion of Iraq). My work here was so good that the one week gig was extended for several months; some of my designs were even posted on their internal display board. But, eventually, the work dried up and they didn’t need me anymore. I thought certainly once things pick up they’ll call me back in, right? Nope. Absolutely no long-term relationship came of this stint. And imagine how hurt and angry I was to see them advertise the same job on Careerbuilder a few months later (and my PSG recruiter could not get a reason why). 

Over the past 13 years I would still occasionally see them advertise for a presentation designer, and I would foolishly continue to apply, with no luck. 

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