Monday, May 30, 2016

Massachusetts Medical Society

My experience with this place demonstrates that rude unprofessional behavior is not exclusive to the twentysomething twits who have been the focus of my criticism, as the team I met with in this case appeared to be at least my age group; the art director even had silver hair. I applied in July 2013 and HR invited me for an interview. I first met with the HR rep, followed by two women (the aforementioned art director and a second woman whose title now escapes me).

Time for me to dish out a little more advice to those tasked with interviewing candidates. If you are incapable of behaving like a professional civilized human being during an interview, then please keep your mouth shut and stay quiet for the duration of the meeting. And, if you truly cannot do this, then excuse yourself from the room.

I believe I can pinpoint exactly where this interview went sour and the art director could no longer mask her contempt for me. It was when I confessed my shame in not owning a Mac -- blasphemy! From that point on, she did not hold back her disdain at all for me. She even went so far as to insult my work. Which begs the question, if you hate the material in my portfolio, why did you bring me in for an interview? Because this is the same material on my website which you were supposed to have reviewed before inviting me for an interview. If the only reason they invited me was to insult me to my face, well, I'm clearly dealing with some sick people here.

I did the usual expected post-interview due diligence dance of sending thank-you emails to all three parties mentioned above. I received no response from any of them, not even from the HR rep who couldn't even be bothered to send me a formal rejection email. 

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